Saturday, February 25, 2006

Fastelavn i København

Her ser I Dolph og Løven på vej til Fastelavn på Kultorvet. På Kultorvet spottede vi endnu en Dolph...og det viste sig at vi kendte Dolph's far fra Studenterrådets vuggestue. Vi tog et billede af de to Dolph'er, men jeg ved ikke helt om man kan tillade sig at blogge billeder af andre folks børn (selv om de er udklædt) uden deres tilladelse. Jeg ville ikke bryde mig om det...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Prisen for bedste hjemmelavede udklædning

Johan blev kåret som den bedste hjemmelavede udklædning på Sølvgade Skole i dag. Da jeg cyklede med ham i Christania-cyklen var det som at køre rundt med en berømthed. Alle ville vide hvor vi havde købt Dolph kostumet og folk tog billeder af ham med deres mobiltelefoner.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Dolph kostume

Så er Johans fastelavnskostume færdigt! Jeg er egentlig ret imponeret over mig selv. Faktisk var det ikke så umuligt da jeg først gik i gang. Hovedet er bygget op over en kasket så Johan kigger ud af munden på dolph og han har min ammepuden rundt om maven. Hvad der ikke kom med på billedet er hans vanter med tre fingre og blå negle :-) For at færdiggøre illusionen har vi lært ham lidt dolph-citater så som død ved kølle og 100% asshole. Nu glæder jeg mig helt til i morgen på hans vegne.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Clothes for Marie

My grandmothers old Bernina 730 is still going strong and is being used by my sister and me. This time it was used for making new clothes for Marie. Trousers and a little dress. I'm still working on the matching sweater. So far I've made the back and one sleeve.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

New projects, new colours

Nice right ? But what can be made of this ? All I can say is, that this time it's for Marie.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Devils hat (Djævlehue)

A small project that I made a month ago or so is this baby hat, which makes a perfect last minute gift. I knitted in in Alpaca on size 3 needles and it requires less than a 50 g-skein (the hat size is 18 months).

Purple sweater for Wilma

Yes, it's done! I'm finally free to start new projects :-)
The pattern is from Erika Knight's book with knitting patterns size 2 to 5 years. I knitted the sweater in Løve Cotton 8/4 and it required less than five skeins. In the end I decided to pick up the stitches for the collar and knit it directly on the neckline instead of sewing the two pieces together (turned out that sewing them together was difficult and resulting in a neck too tight for Wilma to get her head through).

Monday, January 23, 2006

Finished projects

Since this blog is ment to be a logbook of my finished projects, I've taken a few photographs of some sweaters that were finished a while ago. First there is Johans green sweater. This sweater was a lot of fun to knit. The pattern is from SandnesGarn (Barn 0001, SISU 1/2-8 years. Nr.4) and the yarn (SISU) is 80% wool and 20% nylon.
The cable was new to me and I had fun knitting it.

From the same patternbook, I knitted this elephant-sweater for Wilma. Fortunately, in a year or two, it will fitt Marie and will be used and loved again.